
Fostering Hope and Empowering the Underprivileged Children of Haiti
to Reach Their Full Potential in Life...

Our inspiration comes from James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world". (NIV)

Welcome to Torch of Hope Foundation

Since 2011, Torch of Hope has been at work empowering the underprivileged but precious children of Fauge in Haiti to reach their full potential in life.  Fauge is a small, very impoverish village in the south of Haiti, about 20 miles north of the town of Les Cayes. What started as a small 4 room building in 2012, has now been transformed into the “Institution Evangelique Borel Chery de Fauge”, known as IEBCF, the largest school building in the immediate area.  IEBCF is a place where about 300 underprivileged students come every day to receive a quality Christian education at little to no cost to their parents, a hot plate of food and HOPE for a better future. It is worth noting that most the IEBCF students would not have been able to attend school on a regular basis because their parents simply do not have enough money to afford tuition.   We are able to put these students to school because of the generosity of a few people who have contributed time, energy, money and a lot of prayers to TOH over the past few years.

As we continue to work hard to provide these children with a more hope-filled future, we want to thank all of our supporters who make it possible for us to be tangible evidence of God’s provision to the people of Fauge and its surrounding villages. On Behalf of the wonderful people of Fauge, our student body and staff, may God continue to channel his blessing through you as you remain available to be his hands and feet for those in need.

THANK YOU For Empowering us to change lives (after the devastation of Hurricane Matthew in 2016)

A Look Through the History of IEBCF/TOH

We are delighted that you have chosen to visit us today.  We hope that you will take a moment to read through our website and learn about us and how you too can join us in making a significant difference in the life of the less fortunate people in certain communities in  Haiti.  Once again, welcome.

Please help us continue to bring hope to the people of Fauge/Les Cayes (Haiti) after Hurricane Matthew. Your generous donation will empower us to help them get back on their feet. Please donate today.



You Can Help us Provide A Quality Christian Education and Food to the Less Fortunate Children in Haiti Today.
Please make a secure donation online today to help us.